Old Sorehead Trade Days Shoppers
Are there ATMs available at Old Sorehead Trade Days?
There is an ATM located in the drive-thru of First National Bank of Stanton on St. Peter Street, near the Red Light Food Court.
There are also ATM's located at the corner of St. Peter & Broadway and at the corner of Broadway & Convent St.
Old Sorehead Trade Days Vendors
What are the set-up hours for vendors?
Food and Street Vendors: Friday no earlier than 4:00 P.M. (Food vendors, you will have the footage you paid for, however, late arrivals may have difficulty getting into spaces).
Tradin’ Lot Vendors: Friday at 2:00 P.M.
Indoor Vendors: Friday 9 A.M.-9 P.M. On Saturday, the buildings will open at 6:30 A.M. The buildings will remain locked from the end-of-show Saturday until 11:30am on Sunday.
Is there overnight security?
Security will be provided day and night during the show. Old Sorehead Trade Days and their associated entities are not liable for thefts or accidents. You will be required to leave your name and emergency phone number visible in your booth space so you can be contacted when you are not present.
Can I stake my tent down in my booth?
Canopy Staking is encouraged on street locations. No staking on the Tradin’ Lot. Tents should be secured well; weights and pencil-size stakes are allowed. If larger stakes are used, holes must be filled with asphalt caulk.
Can I sell food or drinks in my booth?
No food prepared on the premises can be sold outside the food court areas. Food sold outside of the Food Courts must be pre-packaged for take home consumption. Samples are allowed.
No drinks can be sold outside the Food Court Area.
I've paid for my booth but am now unable to come. Can I get a refund?
Booth fees are fully refundable (less a $10 Refund Fee) ONLY if we are notified 30 days prior to show. If you are unable to attend the show but don't want to lose your present space, we will need to know a minimum of 30 days prior to the show date in order to sublease your space for you. There is a $15 charge for this service. Vendors cannot sublease their space without OSTD approval.